Praetoria's Ambition

2018 was a year full of building. I got my degree, put together a youth worship band at my church, my husband and I celebrated our first year of marriage, we started a Bible study out of our home, and spent a month serving as missionaries in Puerto Rico! God has blessed me so richly, but in the midst of that process I became obsessed with the progress, pushed myself harder, and became exhausted. As I learned and grew throughout the year, I knew this impossible pace was not what God had for me. 
     For 2019 I want to be focused with direction. My ambition is to become a woman who listens to God to see what things are important and to be grounded in what truly matters. I will not be afraid of no, not be scared to rest, and not back down from weakness. Because when we admit we are weak, He shows us He is strong. I will pause and take stock, not getting so caught up in accomplishments that I forget to breathe, that I forget what really matters. 
The triangle, for me, represents this focus and direction. Always up, reminding me what matters, yet still with a base to go back to. A place to reflect. 2019 will be purpose-filled, with less of the junk that weighs us all down. 2019 will be balanced. 


  • I love reading about the godly woman you have become. I remember when you were a precious little girl. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  • Praetoria! Girl, your heart is radiant. Praying that your ear would be tuned to the voice of the Lord this year. That you would follow every direction He leads you in, even if it might be rest and slowing down. I pray that through every place He takes you this year, you will find a full and abundant life in Him. He’s got amazing things ahead and I can’t wait for you to see it all unfold!


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